Dollars to Results

We are committed to putting every dollar into results that will benefit the Kenyan child that comes from a poor background. Every dollar has a value and will be judged on the results. Your donation is an investment into the education of a kid whom we assume that when successful, will in turn come and help his /her community if not the family. 

Quarterly Reporting

There will be reporting in every three months to keep us updated on what is happening on the ground. This will be done by the school principals who are in charge of the schools that we will be supporting. The report will be shared to the committee members and the donors as well.

Data Availability

Our books and documents are open to any donor who would like to read and have a clear understanding of what we are doing. All that is required is for you to contact us. We don’t have a permanent secretariat to keep updating our data but the volunteer secretariat will try his best to have the data ready whenever needed.


The Corporation will be making an evaluation twice in a year. We will evaluate our compliance with the corporation Act, our commitment in helping, modalities and response of donations, project implementation and Financial status and accountability.

Budget and Spending

Since we don’t have money that will be lying idle, our budget will be prepared based on a particular project needed and once accomplished, we go to the next step or another project. The budget will be prepared based on assumption as we don’t have steady and guaranteed income. Our spending will be restricted with direct monitoring with our external representative on the ground in Kenya who is not on the school administration.

Finance Report

The Corporation will be giving an official Finance report to the donors twice in a year. This will start as soon as the first project begins. We are answerable to our donors and the Government and therefore, our finance reports will be accessible to all the stakeholders whenever needed even after the official one.